Australia’s MCS Report
On the 9th July, 2003, South Australia’s Upper House, the Legislative Council, voted unanimously to support an Australian Democrat's Motion, The Hon. Sandra Kanck, requesting the Social Development Committee enquire into and report on multiple chemical sensitivity. The Social Development Committee is a standing Parliamentary Committee of six elected representatives, three from the Upper House and three from the Lower House, who regularly investigate issues of public concern. A Parliamentary Enquiry into mcs is a big step forward and a great opportunity for people suffering chemically induced illnesses and their supporters, to tell their story and present their case to Legislators. The Enquiry will help to inform the basis for future Public Health Policy and guide reforms in Chemical Regulation.
Submissions to the Enquiry are now open and will be formally considered from February, 2004 and are open for WORLD-WIDE SUBMISSIONS. I have not been advised of a closing date, so people who suffer mcs / chemical injury / illness / intolerance / sensitivity / chemically induced illness / environmental illness may present their stories "as they have to live it" and any documentation whatsoever supporting this chemically induced illness may be submitted also. The postal address for Submissions:- Ms. Robyn Schutte, Secretary, Social Development Committee, Parliament Hourse, North Terrace, Adelaide 5000 South Australia.
The bottom line is to tell it as it is, they do want to hear each person's story, the pain, suffering, difficulty / impossibility accessing any health care, home health care, home help or any help whatsoever, educational facilities, social events (depending on the level of chemical sensitivities as this is variable), the isolation, the ridicule, abandonment &n-; this is what it is all about to tell your story of how you are affected. In Australia, many people have presented multiple Submissions and will continue to do so.
Please take this opportunity to submit your information to influence National Policy which will in turn, impact upon other Governments by example, please take the time to inform these officials of the realities of chemically induced illnesses to the best of your abilities.
Let us make this the year in which we can be granted the recognition required for all people world-wide suffering mcs / chemical injury / illness / intolerance / sensitivity / chemically induced illness / environmental illness.
Thank you, Diana Buckland, Australia.
Links to MCS Related Activism Sites
Organic Consumers
Pesticides Campaign UK
Electronics Take Back Coalition
Washington Toxics Coalition
MCS America